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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Quantitative Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies in the Kribi-Campo Sedimentary Basin (South Cameroon) Based on Spectral Analysis and 2.5D Modelling: Structural Implications

DOI: 10.4236/ojer.2020.93014, PP. 240-254

Keywords: Spectral Analysis, Ideal Body, 2.5D Modelling, Formation Depth, Intrusive Blocks

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Ground gravity survey was recently carried out in the Lolabe-Campo area, which constitutes the southern onshore portion of the Kribi-Campo sub-basin in South Cameroon. The obtained gravity data were processed and interpreted in order to elucidate the subsurface geology of the area in which preliminary studies highlighted the presence of an intrusive igneous body. In order to determine the nature and the characteristics of this body, spectral analysis, ideal body solution and 2.5D modelling methods were applied to the gravity data. The results suggest that the emplacement, breaking up and separation of the intrusive igneous body were the outcome of two tectonic events corresponding to an upward vertical translational tectonic movement followed by an anticlockwise rotational faulting tectonic movement. From a density contrast of 0.13 g·cm-3, the two isolated bodies have an estimated density of 2.80 g·cm-3 which is comparatively higher than the average density of 2.67 g·cm-3 of the autochthonous rocks. These two blocks are completely surrounded by both sedimentary and metamorphic formations and are confined between the depths of 0.6 km and 3.5 km. The highly dense nature of the rocks and their location around the Atlantic Ocean led to the conclusion that the two intrusive bodies are composed principally of gabbro. The disposition and shape of the open zone resulting from the separation of the blocks are suggestive of a trap for the accumulation of hydrocarbons and mineral resources.


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