We show that Hall-like current can be induced by acoustic phonons in a nondegenerate, semiconductor fluorine-doped single-walled carbon nanotube (FSWCNT) using a tractable analytical approach in the hypersound regime ?(q is the modulus of the acoustic wavevector and is the electron mean free path). We observed a strong dependence of the Hall-like current on the magnetic field, H, the acoustic wave frequency, , the temperature, T, the overlapping integral, , and the acoustic wavenumber, q. Qualitatively, the Hall-like current exists even if the relaxation time does not depend on the carrier energy but has a strong spatial dispersion, and gives different results compared to that obtained in bulk semiconductors. For and , the Hall-like current is in the absence of an electric field and in the presence of an electric field at 300 K. Similarly, the surface electric field due to the Hall-like current is in the absence of an external electric field. In the presence of an external electric field, and for at 300 K. q and can be used to tune the Hall-like current and of the FSWCNT. This offers the potential for room temperature application as an acoustic switch or transistor, as well as a material for ultrasound current source density imaging (UCSDI) and AE hydrophone device in biomedical engineering.
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