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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




High Temperature Effect on Absorption Coefficient of M-MPPs and Sandwich Structures Coupled with MPPs

DOI: 10.4236/oja.2020.101001, PP. 1-18

Keywords: Absorption Coefficient, Finite Element Model, Microperforated Plates, Poroelastic Core, Sandwich Structures

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This paper addresses the effect of high temperature on absorption performance of sandwich material coupled with microperforated panels (MPPs) in multiple configurations using a finite element model (FEM) over a frequency range from 10 to 3000 Hz. The structure is backed with a rigid wall which can either be Aluminium or Al-Alloy used in aeronautic or automobile. The wave propagation in porous media is addressed using Johnson Champoux Allard model (JCA). The FEM model developed using COMSOL Multiphysics software makes it possible to predict the acoustic absorption coefficient in multilayer microperforated panels (M-MPPs) and sandwich structure. It is shown that, when structures made by MPPs or sandwich materials are submitted to high temperature, the absorption performance of the structure is strongly modified in terms of amplitude and width of the bandgap. For application in sever environment (noise reduction in engines aircrafts), Temperature is one of the parameters that will most influence the absorption performance of the structure. However, for application in the temperature domain smaller than 50?C (automotive applications for example), the effect of temperature is not significant on absorption performance of the structure.


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