- 2019
Comparison of Three Prosthodontic Treatment Modalities for Patients with Periodontally Compromised Anterior Mandibular Teeth: A 2-year follow-up studyDOI: 10.15644/asc53/1/1 Keywords: Dental Prosthesis, Mandible, Patient Satisfaction, Mastication, Diagnostic Self Evaluation, Geriatric Dentistry Abstract: To prospectively assess self-perceived chewing function (CF) and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in geriatric patients after receiving three different treatment modalities in the mandible: removable partial denture (CD-RPD), complete denture (CDs), or complete overdenture supported by mini dental implants (CD-MDI). At baseline, all patients had mobile anterior teeth (1 mm or >) and missing posterior teeth in the mandible. Patients were completely edentulous in the maxilla. After treatment, patients were recalled at the 3-month and the 2-year post-treatment period