- 2019
Holoprosencephaly with Clefts: Data of 85 Patients, Treatment, and Outcome: Part 2: Management, Surgical Treatment, and Unexpected Aspects of Holoprosencephaly Cleft PatientsKeywords: Agenesis of cleft lip-alveolus, agenesis of prolabium-premaxilla, holoprosencephaly, treatment protocol Abstract: Cleft patients with holoprosencephaly (HPE) provide a wide clinical spectrum. Besides accessory agenesis of facial tissue structures, spanning from a single central incisor to the columella, up to the entire prolabium-premaxilla complex, brain deformities with various functional deficits may prevail, just like normal brain development. Making a precise diagnosis, just like choosing the most appropriate treatment plan often is challenging. A literature and chart review comprising 85 HPE cleft cases at the Cleft Clinic of the University of Pretoria, South Africa, was performed. It yielded pertinent diagnostic criteria and collected information about pregnancy history, brain development and survival rate as well as the initial perioperative management and the course of postsurgical midfacial growth