- 2018
RPS3A positively regulates the mitochondrial function of human periaortic adipose tissue and is associated with coronary artery diseasesDOI: 10.1038/s41421-018-0041-2 Abstract: a Representative HE and IHC (UCP-1) microscopic picture of epicardial, paracardial, and subcutaneous adipose tissue (EAT, PAT, and SAT) samples from one patient. M male, F female. b Quantification of UCP-1+ area of EAT, PAT, and SAT (data were collected using Image Pro-Plus software for IHC analysis of three individual patients, three fields per person). c Quantification of adipocyte diameter of EAT, PAT, and SAT from the same patients without CAD (data were collected by using Image J software from H and E staining section of three individual patients, 8–12 fields per patient, 24–35 cells per field in each group). d Western blot experiment using antibodies against UCP1, PGC1α, Cidea, Ap2, and Actin of EAT, PAT, and SAT from the same patient. e Real-time PCR data showing the fold induction of indicated brown adipocyte related genes with expression normalized to the housekeeping gene 18s in EAT, PAT, and SAT from patients without CAD (n?=?10–15). f Real-time PCR data showing the fold induction of indicated white adipocyte-related genes with expression normalized to the housekeeping gene 18s in EAT, PAT, and SAT from patients without CAD (n?=?9–11). g OCR in adipose tissues derived from EAT, PAT, or SAT. Oligomycin (oligo), FCCP, and antimycin/rotenone (AA/Rote) were added at the time points indicated by dashed lines (left), and averaged basal OCR is shown (right) (n?=?4