- 2018
Suppl-2, M3: Adaptation of Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) in Feral Birds and their Potential Role in Interspecies TransmissionDOI: 10.2174/1874357901812010052 Keywords: Avian avulavirus 1 (AAvV 1), Wild and Migratory birds, Epidemiology, Phylogeny, Newcastle Disease (ND), Fusion gene Abstract: Newcastle Disease (ND), caused by Avian avulavirus 1 (AAvV 1, avulaviruses), is a notifiable disease throughout the world due to the economic impact on trading restrictions and its embargoes placed in endemic regions. The feral birds including aquatic/migratory birds and other wild birds may act as natural reservoir hosts of ND Viruses (NDVs) and may play a remarkable role in the spread of the virus in environment. In addition, other 19 avulaviruses namely: AAvV 2 to 20, have been potentially recognized from feral avian species