In this work we used the Gaussian plume model to calculate the actual
maximum ground level concentration (MGLC) of air pollutant and its downwind
location by using different systems of dispersion parameters and for different
stack heights. An approximate formula for the prediction of downwind position
that produces the MGLC of a pollutant based on the Gaussian formula was derived
for different diffusion parameters. The derived formula was used to calculate
the approximate MGLC. The actual and estimated values are presented in tables.
The comparison between the actual and estimated values was investigated through
the calculation of the relative errors. The values of the relative errors
between the actual and estimated MGLC lie in the range from: 0 to 70.2 and 0 to
1.6 for Pasquill Gifford system and Klug system respectively. The errors
between the actual and estimated location of the MGLC lies in the range from:
0.2 to 227 and 0.7 to 9.4 for Pasquill Gifford system and Klug system
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