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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



-  2019 

Pharmacological safety of Plinia cauliflora (Mart.) Kausel in rabbits

DOI: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2019.06.017

Keywords: ABG, Arterial blood gas, ANOVA, One-way analysis of variance, ASE, Accelerated solvent extraction, BB, Buffer Base, BE, Base Excess, BEecf, Base excess in the extracellular fluid compartment, Ca++, Calcium, cHCO3, Bicarbonate concentration, Cl, Chloride, CNS, Central nervous system, ctCO2 (B), Concentration of total carbon dioxide of whole blood, ctCO2 (P), Concentration of total carbon dioxide in plasma, ctO2, Concentration of total oxygen, DBP, Diastolic blood pressure, ECG, Electrocardiography, EEPC, Ethanol extract of Plinia cauliflora, GAE, Gallic acid equivalent, H+, Hydrogen ion dissociated, Hct, Hematocrit, HHb, Deoxyhemoglobin, K+, Potassium, LA, Left arm, LC-DAD-MS, Liquid chromatography coupled to a diode array detector and mass spectrometer, LL, Left leg, MAP, Mean arterial pressure, Na+, Sodium, Na?CO?, Sodium carbonate, O2Hb, Oxyhemoglobin, P50, Half of the maximum hemoglobin saturation, PCO2, Partial pressure of carbon dioxide, pH, Potential of hydrogen, PO2, Partial pressure of oxygen, RA, Right arm, RL, Right leg, S.E.M, Standard error of the mean, SBP, Systolic blood pressure, SO2, Level of hemoglobin-saturation by oxygen, tHb, Hemoglobin, UFLC, Ultra fast liquid chromatograph Cardiovascular, Irwin test, Myrtaceae, Respiratory, Toxicology

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