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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



-  2019 

Genetic relationships of some local and introduced grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) by microsatellite markers

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13102818.2019.1664320

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Abstract In this study, the genetic relationships of 29 grape genotypes were defined with six SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers, and 65 polymorphic bands were identified, with matrix correlation (r) of 0.79. The expected heterozygosity (He) ranged from 0.783 (VrZAG62) to 0.869 (VVMD7) and the observed heterozygosity (Ho) from 0.483 (VrZAG62) to 0.897 (VVS2). According to the results, the smaller main cluster included only one ancient cultivar, ‘Buca Razak?s?’. Fo?a Karas?’, an ancient cultivar in the large main group, was separated from other grapes varieties. The first sub-cluster (S1) formed by mainly introduced cultivars included three cultivars, ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’, ‘Cabarnet Franc’ and ‘Merlot’. The second sub-cluster (S2) was the largest group, and included 19 cultivars, ‘Semillion’, ‘Alicante Boushet’, ‘Delbele’, ‘?e?me Pembesi’, ‘Grenache’, ‘?küzg?zü’, ‘Petit Syrah’, ‘Papaz Karas?’, ‘Colombard’, ‘Harsleleh’, ‘Moiseylative’, ‘?ika’, ‘Mü?küle’, ‘Ohannes’, ‘Cinsaut’, ‘K?rm?z? ?am’, ‘Kozak Gemresi’, ‘Siyah Gemre’ and ‘Yuvarlak Razak?’. The third sub-cluster (S3) included four cultivars, ‘Cardinal’, ‘Italia’, ‘Haf?zali’ and ‘Malbee’. ‘Hafizali is an ancient cultivar and is included in this group. The fourth sub-cluster included only one ancient cultivar, ‘Pek üzümü’. Based on the rates of similarities of the cultivars included in this study, the highest rate was recorded for ‘?küzg?zü-Petit Syrah’ (93%) in the second sub-cluster. The results reported here are important as the first steps towards better characterization of these grape genotypes and will aid future germplasm management and breeding efforts


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