- 2019
摘要 以互联网为肇始的一系列新媒体促成了新闻生产由客观性原则转向自证的透明性 原则。在几乎所有相关文献都在论述专业新闻的透明性叙事的背景下,本文论述了公 民新闻叙事所具有的与生俱来的透明性。它体现在:一、叙述者的透明,即叙述者与 聚焦者、行为者三合一,或者是叙述者与聚焦者的二合一;二、叙述声音的透明,即 公民新闻(除敏感话题外)的叙述的受控程度为零,其文本则为透明;三、叙事时空 的场景镜像化,即公民新闻的视频与图片形式使其叙事时空被镜像化,接近镜子似的 反射。最后,本文指出,公民新闻的透明性叙事虽然导致其叙述具有不可靠性,但更 有利于公众的理性判断。
New media initiated by the Internet have transferred the principle of news production from objectivity to self-proved transparency. This paper tries to discuss the inherent transparency of citizen journalism. It fnds out that the transparent narrative of citizen journalism can be exhibited by the transparency of narrator and narration and the mirror spectacle of narrative time and space. It fnally argues that the transparent narrative of citizen journalism might bring about unreliability of the narrative whereas it’s helpful for rational judgement of the public