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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Efficient and Secure Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks through Optimal Power Control and Optimal Handoff-Based Recovery Mechanism

DOI: 10.1155/2012/971685

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Advances in wireless sensor network (WSN) technology have provided the availability of small and low-cost sensor with capability of sensing various types of physical and environmental conditions, data processing, and wireless communication. In WSN, the sensor nodes have a limited transmission range, and their processing and storage capabilities as well as their energy resources are also limited. Modified triple umpiring system (MTUS) has already proved its better performance in Wireless Sensor Networks. In this paper, we extended the MTUS by incorporating optimal signal to noise ratio (SNR)-based power control mechanism and optimal handoff-based self-recovery features to form an efficient and secure routing for WSN. Extensive investigation studies using Glomosim-2.03 Simulator show that efficient and secure routing protocol (ESRP) with optimal power control mechanism, and handoff-based self-recovery can significantly reduce the power usage. 1. Introduction Wireless Sensor Network is widely considered as one of the most important technologies for the twenty-first century. The sensing electronics measure ambient conditions related to the environment surrounding the sensor and transform them into an electrical signal. In many WSN applications [1], the deployment of sensor nodes is performed in an ad hoc fashion without careful planning and engineering. In the past few years, an intensive research that addresses the potential of collaboration among sensors in data gathering and processing and in the coordination and management of the sensing activities was conducted. However sensor nodes are constrained in energy supply and bandwidth. Such constraints combine with a typical deployment of large number of sensor nodes that pose many challenges to the design and management of WSNs and necessitate energy awareness at all layers of the networking protocol stack. At the network layer, it is highly desirable to find methods for energy-efficient route discovery and relaying of data from the sensor nodes to the base stations, so that the lifetime of the network is maximized. Routing in WSN is very challenging due to the inherent characteristics that distinguish these networks from other wireless networks like mobile ad hoc networks or cellular networks. First, due to the relatively large number of sensor nodes, it is not possible to build a global addressing scheme for the deployment of large number of sensor nodes as the overhead of ID maintenance is high. Thus, traditional IP-based protocols may not be applied to WSN. Second, in contrast to typical communication


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