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ISSN: 2333-9721




Exploring Relationships between Demersal Resources and Environmental Factors in the Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean)

DOI: 10.1155/2012/279406

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The relationships between the abundance of demersal resources, environmental variables, and fishing pressure in the north-western Ionian Sea in the last two decades were evaluated. Data on the density collected during seventeen trawl surveys carried out from 1985 to 2005 were used. The following species were considered: Aristaeomorpha foliacea, Nephrops norvegicus, and Parapenaeus longirostris for crustaceans; Merluccius merluccius, Phycis blennoides, and Mullus barbatus for teleost fish. The recruitment index was also considered for N. norvegicus, P. longirostris, M. merluccius and Mullus barbatus. Six candidate models were evaluated for each density and recruitment data set either combining fishing effort with global (NAO) and regional (SST and precipitation) climatic indices, or models separately involving fishing effort, NAO, or regional climatic indices as the only predictive variable. Model selection was carried out using an information-theoretical approach that applies Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC). High changes over time were observed for the density data and recruitment indices in each species. Apart from hake abundance and recruitment data, for which a clear positive relationship with the NAO index alone was detected, the changes observed in the other species seem to be the consequence of the interaction between bottom-up effects linked to changes in physical environment and top-down ones due to the fishing pressure. 1. Introduction It is well known that the abundance of the aquatic population fluctuates over both spatial and temporal scales in relation to the variability of abiotic and biotic factors in the ecosystem as well as to human activities, such as fishing [1–3]. Larkin [4] reported that the management of marine fisheries according to ecosystem properties is essentially a question of distinguishing the impacts of fishing (top-down effects) from those of fluctuations in the environment (bottom-up effects), understanding the dynamics of species interactions and appreciating the way in which fishing fleets will respond to changes in the abundance of various stocks. However, Larkin [4] himself reported that, although changes in many marine ecosystem have no doubt occurred, efforts to model their holistic dynamics have not yet been successful due to the number of variables involved and the way in which only small errors in their estimation may lead to large effects in the simulated results. Since 1985 demersal resources in Italian waters have mostly been monitored by scientists in the context of the GRUND project [5] and


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