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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Use of the Signature Fatty Acid 16:1 5 as a Tool to Determine the Distribution of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Soil

DOI: 10.1155/2012/236807

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Biomass estimation of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi, widespread plant root symbionts, commonly employs lipid biomarkers, predominantly the fatty acid 16:1ω5. We briefly reviewed the application of this signature fatty acid, followed by a case study comparing biochemical markers with microscopic techniques in an arable soil following a change to AM non-host plants after 27 years of continuous host crops, that is, two successive cropping seasons with wheat followed by amaranth. After switching to the non-host amaranth, spore biomass estimated by the neutral lipid fatty acid (NLFA) 16:1ω5 decreased to almost nil, whereas microscopic spore counts decreased by about 50% only. In contrast, AM hyphal biomass assessed by the phospholipid (PLFA) 16:1ω5 was greater under amaranth than wheat. The application of PLFA 16:1ω5 as biomarker was hampered by background level derived from bacteria, and further enhanced by its incorporation from degrading spores used as microbial resource. Meanwhile, biochemical and morphological assessments showed negative correlation for spores and none for hyphal biomass. In conclusion, the NLFA 16:1ω5 appears to be a feasible indicator for AM fungi of the Glomales group in the complex field soils, whereas the use of PLFA 16:1ω5 for hyphae is unsuitable and should be restricted to controlled laboratory studies. 1. Introduction The chemotaxonomic use of lipids has a long tradition in microbiological research [1–3]. Due to the different enzymatic capabilities in lipid metabolism, fatty acids display a great structural diversity and biological specificity, providing an integrated and quantitative measure of microbial biomass and community structure in different environments [4]. In particularly, PLFAs have been employed in soil ecosystems as biomarkers for bacteria, saprotrophic fungi, and AM fungi; see Zelles [5] and Joergensen and Wichern [6] for detailed reviews. Moreover, as the lipid pattern of faunal consumers reflects the fatty acid composition of their diet, trophic biomarker fatty acids for major food resources in soil decomposers have been assigned [7]. Bacteria and fungi are important drivers of soil processes, predominantly nutrient mineralization and transfer to plants. Among the different mycorrhizal types, arbuscular fungi that form symbiosis with the roots of about 80% of all vascular plants are the dominant fungal symbionts that support plant growth [8, 9]. The AM fungal extraradical mycelium (ERM) spreads beyond the rhizosphere of host plants, providing additional surface area for the acquisition of phosphorus and


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