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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Biophysics  2020 

长链非编码RNA RMRP RNA功能的多样性
Multifunction of LncRNA RMRP RNA

DOI: 10.12677/BIPHY.2020.82002, PP. 19-27

Keywords: RMRP RNA,RNase MRP,多功能,miRNA海绵,siRNA
, RNase MRP, Multifunction, miRNA Sponge, siRNA

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RMRP RNA是一个长链非编码RNA,它具有多种功能,包括和其它蛋白形成核酸内切酶RNase MRP,产生2种miRNA,作为miRNA海绵,和转录因子结合调控基因表达以及产生1种siRNA,从不同层面调控基因表达。RMRP RNA广泛参与不同的生命过程,异常表达的RMRP RNA也参与癌症和各种疾病的发生。
RMRP RNA is an LncRNA which is multifunctional. It forms nucleic acid endonuclease RNase MRP with other proteins and produces 2 miRNAs and a siRNA. What’s more, RMRP RNA combines with transcription factor to regulate gene expression and acts as a miRNA sponge. This is how RMRP RNA regulates gene expression in different ways. RMRP RNA is widely involved in different life processes, and abnormally expressed RMRP RNA is also involved in the development of cancer and various diseases. Some mutations of RMRP RNA can cause dwarfism. Starting from the different functions of RMRP RNA, this review expounds the relationship between RMRP RNA and life process and various diseases, and also explores the molecular mechanism of RMRP RNA in it, so as to provide a refer-ence for the follow-up research of RMRP RNA.


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