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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




An Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Blessing Consumption Behavior Based on Grounded Theory

DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2020.103009, PP. 61-69

Keywords: 扎根理论,祈福消费行为,影响因素,福文化
Grounded Theory
, Blessed Consumption, Influencing Factors, Blessing Culture

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Blessing culture is an excellent traditional culture in China, and praying for blessing is a traditional custom evolved from blessing culture. Understanding the influencing factors of blessing consumption behavior is conducive to grasping consumers' purchase demand, helping enterprises to develop marketing strategies and carrying forward cultural development. Based on the open, spindle and selective coding steps of grounded theory, this article adopts interview method to collect and summarize relevant data; puts forward 11 categories that include the psychological value, cognitive value, rituals, awe, tradition, sacrifice attitude, product quality, consumer demand, consumption situation, price, and pay attention to environmental protection; further comes up with the psychological factors, cultural factors, market factors and social factors which affect consumer's blessing consumption behavior. A model of the influencing factors in the consumer's blessing consumption behavior was therefore set up and explained. In the end, we raise four feasible suggestions from the perspective of 4P for the company.?


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