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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




CO2 Absorption Solvent Degradation Compound Identification Using Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Quadrapole-Time of Flight (LCMSQTOF)

DOI: 10.4236/jasmi.2020.103006, PP. 78-95

Keywords: CO2 Absorption Solvent, Degradation Compound, Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Quadrupole-Time of Flight (LCMSQTOF)

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The degradation of the alkanolamine solvent used in the removal of acid gases from natural gas streams due to exposure to contaminants, thermal degradation and presence of oxygen or oxygen containing compounds will change the solvent properties, such as heat transfer coefficient, diffusion coefficient, and mass transfer coefficient of the solvent. Therefore, characterization and quantification of amine degradation product becomes one of the important analyses to determine alkanolamine solvent’s health. In order to identify degradation products of alkanolamine solvent, analytical strategies by using mass spectrometry (MS) as detector have been studied extensively. In this work, due to the low concentration of the amine degradation product, a method was developed for identification of alkanolamine degradation products using LCMS-QTOF technique. A strategy for identification of trace degradation products has been identified. Six (6) alkanolamine degradation products had been identified by using LCMS-QTOF targeted analysis in the blended alkanolamine solvent used in natural gas processing plant. Another fifteen (15) molecular formulas having similarity in chemical structure to alkanolamine degradation products were identified using untargeted analysis strategy, as possible compounds related to degradation products. Using LCMS-QTOF via targeted and untargeted analysis strategy, without tedious column separation and reference standard, enables laboratory to provide a quick and indicative information for alkanolamine solvent’s organic degradation compounds identification in CO2 adsorption, within reasonable analysis time.


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