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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Drivers of Fuel Choice for Cooking among Uganda’s Households

DOI: 10.4236/ojee.2020.93008, PP. 111-129

Keywords: Fuel Choice, Cooking Fuels, Households, New Consumer Theory, Uganda

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This paper examines the factors that Uganda’s households consider when making fuel choices for cooking and investigates the key drivers of fuel choice. The study adopts a quantitative cross sectional research design. The dependent variable of the empirical model is a qualitative response variable which defines three mutually exclusive and highly differentiated discrete choices for cooking fuels, namely: the traditional fuel (firewood), the transitional fuel (charcoal), and the modern (LPG & electricity). Results from the study show that the most important drivers of fuel choice for cooking in Uganda’s households are: household income, age of household head, gender of household head, marital status, education levels of household head and location of a household. Results also reveal high dependency of firewood as cooking energy source among households in Uganda.


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