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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Ichthyofaunic Inventory and Fish Landings of Lom Pangar Hydropower Dam Reservoir in the Eastern Region of Cameroon

DOI: 10.4236/ojms.2020.104019, PP. 245-259

Keywords: Artisanal Fishing Gears, Ictyofaunal Inventory, Lom Pangar Hydropower Dam

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The Lom Pangar hydroelectric dam project located in the eastern region of Cameroon was implemented by Electricity Development Corporation (EDC). The impoundment of the Lom Pangar dam created a large reservoir with an area ~590 km2 and a useful storage capacity ~6 billion m3. Thereby, this impoundment has created favourable conditions for the proliferation of fishery resources. However, a fisheries assessment study based on fishing activities is essential to attain reliable information for implementing a management plan to achieve rational and sustainable exploitation. This study was carried out on the ichtyofaunic inventory and the assessment of fish landings in Lom Pangar hydroelectric dam reservoir from April 2016 to September 30, 2016. Three main groups of fishing gear have been identified, among which gillnets, traps and longlines occupy major fishing activities. Indeed, the spatial and landing sites surveies were conducted on species composition, size composition, and quantities of fish landed during the study period. Moreover, 37 species of fish divided into 16 families were found in seven different selected fish landing sites. Carp (Cyprinus carpio) was the major fish species abundantly caught by these fishing gears which accounted for 81.60% of the total catch, and the least species was sardine (Sardinella aurita). A total of 623,229 Kg of fish were landed which were dominated by those of the Wami landing site with 480,773 Kg representing 76.96% of the total landed catches. The smallest species caught was the white carp (7 cm) while the longest one was the catfish (71 cm). In addition, the species of fish in the breeding season are carp, catfish, viper fish and red tail.


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