- 2019
CHANGES OF THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES APPLES “ GOLDEN DELICIOUS” PER TIMES OF STORAGE ON DIFFERENT CONDITIONSKeywords: apple, controlled atmosphere, ULO refrigerator, shelf life. Abstract: Sa?etak The subject research was carried out on apples of the “Golden Delicious” variety which were stored in ULO refrigerators. A reference sample of 100 kg of apple was placed in four ULO refrigerators in which a controlled atmosphere was established. Each refrigerator contained 20 kg of apple. Fertilization was monitored at three storage temperatures of 4°C, 8°C and 12°C, while the temperature of 20°C was intended to simulate the storage conditions at the commercial shelves, relative humidity (RH) in refrigerators was maintained between 75% to 80%, except in storage conditions at 20°C where relative humidity maintained between 50% and 60%. Every other day, as a sample, 10 fruits from each temperature were used, and hardness was measured by the textures of fruit and vegetable textures and colors (a *,b* and L)