- 2018
COLOUR IDIOMS FREQUENTLY USED IN ENGLISH LANGUAGEKeywords: idiom, Shakespearean idiom, colour idiom Abstract: Sa?etak People have the ability to speak in riddles, and as non-native speakers, we call these riddles - idioms. Idioms make part of the vast family of figurative expressions in language (along with metaphors, similes, proverbs, etc.). They are very well known to the native speakers, but are rather confusing for those acquiring English as the second language. Learning idioms is not easy, but once understood, it can be a lot of fun to use them especially while speaking to englishmen. On the other hand, idioms should be used carefully and only when you are sure of their meaning. The aim of this paper is to give definition of idiom as well as some examples of idioms more or less frequently used in English language to avoid ambiguities. For the purpose of this paper, I narrowed it down on idioms containing color expressions, giving the meaning, origin (in case it was attainable) and examples