- 2018
Baptisms, marriages and burials in Solin from 1670 till 1812Keywords: rites (baptism, marriage, burial), Vranjic parish, Vranjic settlement, Solin settlement Abstract: Sa?etak The paper is the authors' joint development, dealing with the baptism, marriage and burial rites in Solin. Ivan Grubi?i? transliterated the sources, Milan Ivani?evi? selected the sources and arranged a two-tier system, the first one being the area around and in the church of Our Lady of the Islet (Gospa od Otoka), the second one being other locations in Solin. In the first tier there are 95 entries with 187 persons, in the second one 56 entries and 251 persons. These numbers of persons do not include the rite conductors, who are listed in a separate index. By gathering basic information on the ?erina and Japirko lineages, the authors have tried explaining the reasons that justified rites of the two lineages to take place outside Vranjic. That is their location in the space, which in the observation period, until the year 1812, was at the outskirts of Solin