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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



-  2019 

Fractal analysis of seismoacoustic signalsof near-surface sedimentary rocks in Kamchatka

DOI: 10.15233/gfz.2019.36.15

Keywords: seismoacoustic signal, monofractal, Hurst exponent, multifractal, detrended fluctuation analysis

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Sa?etak We studied, by the mono- and multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), time fluctuations in the dynamics of seismoacoustic data, recorded in Karymshina site, which is located in a seismic area of Kamchatka. We took a series of seismoacoustic responses to the regional seismic events with the mag-nitudes M > 4 for the period 2017–2018. The series was divided into three groups (high, medium and low) based on the amplitude of recorded seismoacoustic re-sponse. Background noise segments of the signals demonstrated monofractal behavior similar to white noise by almost constant values of generalized Hurst exponent Hq≈0.5 and very small width of the multifractal spectrum Δa ≈ 0.1. Analysis of the high amplitude seismoacoustic signals with clear P-, S- and coda waves showed that P- and S-waves demonstrate wider multifractal spectrum (ΔaP = 0.37, ΔaS = 0.35) and range of generalized Hurst exponents Hq in com-parison with coda wave, characterized by almost constant Hq and minimal width of multifractal spectrum (ΔaCODA = 0.13). We showed that the properties of the multifractal spectrum could be used in detection of seismic wave arrival, estima-tion its duration and separation of P-, S- and coda waves. Application of the monofractal DFA in a sliding window showed that the acoustic signal transits from monofractal and uncorrelated background noise (Hurst exponent equals to 0.5) into the long-range dependent state during seismic waves arrival, that is helpful in analysis of the signals, particularly in case of low amplitude acous-tic responses, usually demonstrating an unclear waveform. Difference in mul-tifractal spectrum width between the original low amplitude signal and its sur-rogates, obtained by random shuffling showed that the multifractality in the signal is dominantly due to long-range correlations


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