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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research Progress on Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Behavior of Adolescents

DOI: 10.12677/IJPN.2020.94009, PP. 69-75

Keywords: 青少年,非自杀性自伤,研究进展
, Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, Research Progress

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Non-suicidal self-injury is a major psychosocial health problem in adolescence, which has a severe impact on the growth of adolescents and was concerned by family, school, and society. In recent years, it has been a research hotspot in the field of psychology and psychiatry. This study summa-rized the characteristics, factors, and treatments of non-suicidal self-injury behaviors of adolescents after searching relative literature, and provided significant evidence for the prevention and inter-vention of non-suicidal self-injury of adolescents.


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