In order to better identify spatially the areas at
risk of flooding for the riparian populations of Grand-Bassam during strong
floods, a study aimed at developing hazard and vulnerability maps from RADAR
Sentinel-1 and optical images Sentinel-2 has been put in place. The flood
hazard study highlighted the flooded areas in Grand-Bassam. These areas represent
747.7 ha, or 1.02% of the total surface. The vulnerability map produced using
the maximum likelihood method identified eight (8) land use classes. These are
the classes Water, Dense forest, Secondary forest, Swamp forest, Industrial
crops, Food crops, Habitats and bare soils. It made it possible to highlight
the socio-economic interests of Grand-Bassam. The flood risk map developed from
the intersection of the themes of the vulnerability map and that of the hazard
has enabled the recognition of risk areas which are located near the source of
the risk (Comoé River) and at low altitudes. These are Moossou, Petit Paris,
Quartier Phare and Quartier France.
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