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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research on Adaptive Threshold of Received Signal in Communication System

DOI: 10.4236/opj.2021.111001, PP. 1-11

Keywords: Free Space Optical, Adaptive Threshold Detection, Higller-Order Cumulants

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When the light beam propagates in the atmosphere, the signal will be absorbed and scattered by the gas molecules and water mist in the atmosphere, which will cause the loss of power rate. The complex atmospheric environment will produce a variety of adverse effects on the signal. The interference produced by these effects overlaps with each other, which will seriously affect the strength of the received signal. Therefore, how to effectively suppress the atmospheric turbulence effect in the random atmospheric turbulence channel, ensure the normal transmission of the signal in the atmospheric channel, and reduce the bit error rate of the communication system, is very necessary to improve the communication system. When processing the received signal, it is an important step to detect the transmitted signal by comparing the received signal with the threshold. In this paper, based on the atmospheric turbulence distribution model, the adaptive signal decision threshold is obtained through the estimation of high-order cumulant. Monte Carlo method is used to verify the performance of adaptive threshold detection. The simulation results show that the high-order cumulant estimation of atmospheric turbulence parameters can realize the adaptive change of the decision threshold with the channel condition. It is shown that the adaptive threshold detection can effectively restrain atmospheric turbulence, improve the performance of free space optical and improve the communication quality.


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