- 2019
USING THE E-MARKETING TOOLS IN A POLITICAL CAMPAIGNKeywords: e-marketing, e-marketing tools, electoral campaign, political candidate, political party Abstract: Sa?etak Election campaigns occurred during the emergence of modern political parties at the end of the 18th century in the United States of America, or in the first half of the 19th century in Europe. They are defined as organized activities whose main characteristic is mass communication. Campaigns are divided into positive, negative and comparative. Positive campaigns tend to gain the confidence of voters by promoting positive characteristics of a political subject. Negative campaigns gain voters’ confidence by attacking a rival party or a candidate, while comparative campaigns strive to gain confidence by comparing parties, candidates and political ideology with the competitive party. Political marketing is mostly used in periods prior to and during elections. Aim of each campaign is to gain political public’s support, or in other words, to gain the planned number of votes. There are three goals of each campaign: raising voters’ turnout in elections, publicizing qualities of a political subject and raising money, as well as recruiting campaign activists. Political subjects tend to influence voters with their programs, which depends on whether the political campaign will be successful or not. Political marketing in realization of its goals uses numerous techniques and resources. Most common methods that enable propaganda of political marketing are: promotional materials, posters, leaflets, newspapers, newsletters, press advertising, election videos, presentation materials, e-mails, banners, telemarketing... This paper presents the results of a research whose goal was to determine the use of e-marketing tools in electoral campaign by political parties and candidates on the election for Croatian Parliament in 2016. Research was conducted through two parallel courses: an e-mail questionnaire about political parties/participants in elections and a questionnaire/message on Facebook social network to all parties/participants in elections. The main research goal is to determine whether political subjects use e-marketing tools in electoral campaigns. From the scientific point of view, use of e-marketing tools in electoral campaign has not yet been explored. In that sense, this research contributes better understanding of use of e-marketing in political activities. Results can be used to improve e-marketing, as well as a frame for further research and successful political activity