- 2018
DIVINE LAW IN THE ARCHITECTURE OF THEOLOGICAL VIRTUESKeywords: Theological Virtues, Divine Law, Nature Abstract: Sa?etak In the last 50 years, or we can even say since the Second Vatican Council, there is a kind of change in relation towards faith and religious content, as evidenced by numerous papal and Church documents. The newly-created context required a decisive reaction of the Church in order to strengthen the religious feeling of the faithful and their relationship with God. In the same context secularism became prominent as a “specter” that contributed to the escape and the disbelief of divine laws, what ultimately resulted in the loss of the sense of guilt for sins and the loss of the sense for theological virtues. These conditions have contributed to illuminating divine laws as something much higher than a set of regulations. Moreover, divine law reveals two essential facts to us: God is revealing and giving himself. The divine law is the revelation of God and the gift through which God communicates / gives himself to the human being in Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit