Paediatric Management in Siddha System of MedicineKeywords: Children’s health, Paediatric Siddha drug formulations, Siddha, Stages of child life Abstract: Siddha system of medicine is the most popular traditional system of medicine followed by the people of Tamilnadu nowadays. Gradually, the system is spreading its benefits to the people of surrounding states also. With strong basic principles and cultural background, Siddha system of medicine is providing health care solutions to a number of health issues of the modern era. Though it is a system of medicine, Siddha system is guiding us to lead a perfect living in this world, starting from the first day of birth to the last day of death. Not only that, the system takes care even before the conception itself. Today’s children are the future citizens of a nation. To have a better nation, healthy citizens can contribute a lot. The health status of the children, their growth and development at different stages of life, the expected health issues during their childhood and its management, prevention of those obstacles, the way of living are all clearly described in Siddha system in a scientific approach. Specific Siddha drug formulations exclusive for Paediatric usage are given by Siddhars to combat common childhood diseases and disorders. These information are dealt with in this presentation.