- 2019
Rare Cause of Facial Nerve Palsy (Petrous Apex Cholesteatoma)–Case Report and Review of LiteratureKeywords: Cholesteatoma, Facial Nerve Palsy, Petrous Apex Abstract: The petrous apex is a pyramid-shaped structure that is formed by the medial portions of the temporal bone. It is obliquely positioned within the skull base, with its apex pointing anteromedially and its base located posterolaterally. The petrous apex is bounded by the inner ear structures laterally, the petro-occipital fissure medially, the petrosphenoidal fissure and ICA anteriorly, and the posterior cranial fossa behind. Given its location, the petrous apex is susceptible to multiple pathologic processes which may be Inflammatory, developmental, vascular, benign and malignant lesions. We present a rare case of a 39 year old Male who presented wit unilateral facial nerve palsy and sensoneural hearing loss and was then diagnosed as petrous apex Cholesteatoma. Patient was treated surgically by Transchoclear trasnlabrynth technique