- 2015
ANALISIS PENGARUH SISTEM PENGENDALIAN INTERNAL, ASIMETRI INFORMASI, PERILAKU TIDAK ETIS DAN KESESUAIAN KOMPENSASI TERHADAP KECENDERUNGAN KECURANGAN AKUNTANSI PADA PEMERINTAH DAERAH KABUPATEN LOMBOK TIMURDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21107/infestasi.v11i1.1122 Keywords: Internal Control Systems, Information Asymmetry, Unethical Behavior, Suitability of Compensation, Tendency of Accounting Fraud Abstract: This study examined to determine whether of internal control systems, information asymmetry, unethical behavior and the suitability of compensation to the tendency of accounting fraud in East Lombok District Government. Tests performed on 12 SKPD in East Lombok District Government.This study used questionnaires with respondents comprising of heads of departements/agency, chip financial officer and financial staff totaling 73 people. The result showed that The internal control system not affect the tendency of accounting fraud. Information asymmetry not affect the tendency of accounting fraud. Unethical behavior positively affect the tendency of accounting fraud. Sutability compensation not effect the tendency of accounting fraud.