- 2017
MEASUREMENT OF THE VALUES OF RADIOFREQUENCY ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS AROUND THE HEAD OF ADOLESCENTSKeywords: adolescents, cell phone, radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, power measurement, questionnaire Abstract: Cell phones and other communication devices have become the primary source of socialization, especially among adolescents. The aim of the study was to assess the levels of radiated radiofrequency (RF) power (1788.5 MHz, max. 30 V/m) around the head of adolescents. The measurements were performed in 2016 at the Department of Medical Biophysics of Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin. The sample group consisted of 44 adolescents of Viliam Pauliny-Toth, Grammar School in Martin. To measure the performance levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF), we used selective radiation meter NARDA SRM 3006 (9 kHz–6 GHz) with the function of a spectrum analyzer. The average values of power were recorded in eight positions around the head with six minutes exposure length of each of them. Every adolescent filled out a short questionnaire on personal perception of the effects of RF radiation on the body after the exposure. The statistical evaluation showed a significant decrease in the intensity of power on the left side of the adolescent’s head compared to the right side (p < 0.01–0.001), which confirmed different degrees of absorption by the head tissues. The highest level of absorption was measured at temporal area of the head connecting both ears. Shortterm exposure to RF radiation did not cause strong adverse health effects in adolescents, however in a few cases tachycardia, drowsiness, headache, fatigue and restlessness appeared. It is necessary to pay more attention to the examination of the relationship between exposure to RF EMF and the potential adverse health reactions mainly in adolescents