- 2018
Sheehan SyndromeKeywords: Sheehan sendromu,hipopitüitarizm,postpartum kanama Abstract: Abstract Pituitary insufficiency is a complete or partial deficiency in the release of the anterior and/or posterior pituitary hormones. The causes of Pituitary insufficiency are generally divided into inherited and acquired causes. Acquired reasons include; neoplastic,traumatic, infiltrative / inflammatory, infections, vascular (Sheehan syndrome, pituitaryapoplexy, aneurysm), postoperative radiation exposure, drugs, functional and other reasons. Sheehan syndrome (SS), on the other hand, remains a rare health problem in developed countries and is a continuing problem due to inadequate postpartum care conditions in underdeveloped and developing countries such as our country. Sheehan syndrome is a pituitary insufficiency due to intrapartum or postpartum hemorrhage and hypovolemia. One of the known causes of Empty sella syndrome is Sheehan syndrome. Depending on the degree of damage to the hypophysis, symptoms may appear suddenly oryears later. The postpartum haemorrhage story, the interruption of menstruation and thedecrease in milk yield are important clues to the diagnosis. Early diagnosis and approp-riate treatment are crucial to reduce morbidity and mortality in these patients