- 2018
Ear Infections With CasesKeywords: Otalgia,ear inflammation,otitis media Abstract: Abstract Various bacterial and viral agents may lead to infections in ear which functions forhearing and balance. Acute Otitis Externa which is the most common infection of external acoustic canal is more prevalent in summer and frequently defined as “swimmer’sear”. Complaints start with itching after swimming, then severe pain develops and tenderness occurs at the ear. External acoustic canal is observed as edematous and erythematous, tympanic membrane is observed as hyperemic on otoscopy examination. Recovery may be obtained with acoustic canal cleaning, local antibiotic and steroid drops. Infections which occur behind the tympanic membrane, in middle ear are defined as“Otitis Media”. The disease is characterized by pain, inflammation and fluid accumulation in middle ear, usually develops secondarily to upperrespiratory tract infections and most prevalent amongchildren aged between 3 months and 3 years. Serous otitismedia develops in case of incomplete resolution of acute oti-tis media or Eustachian tube obstruction, it is common amongchildren. The fluid accumulated in middle ear may be serous, mucoid, purulent or mixed.Chronic Otitis Media is characterized by permanent perforation of tympanic membrane. The disease is characterized by tympanic membrane perforation developing after otitis media in childhood and discharge lasting for longer than3 months. Major symptoms include mucoid or mucopurulent discharge from the ear. Main clinical manifestations include perforated tympanic membrane and conduction typehearing loss