- 2018
Vitamin D Levels in Cat and Dogs With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: Case Series Touching Nutritional Deficiency HypothesisKeywords: Ehlers-Danlos Sendromu,kedi,k?pek,vitamin D Abstract: Ehlers Danlos syndrome (EDS) reported varied animal species is a rare hereditary collagen disorder standing out reduced strength of skin being hyperextensible, velvety and fragile. Diagnosis of also termed dermatosparaxis or cutaneous asthenia in animals is based on classic clinical symptoms, skin extensibility index with histopathologic examination included thin, unregular seperated collagen bundles. In the presented case series enrolled different ages (1-3 years old 4 cats; and 1-5 years old 6 dogs) with both gender cats (2 males, 2 females) and dogs (4 males, 2 females) has been conferred serum 25 (OH) D3 levels associations. Just as dog and cats diagnosed with EDS found lower vitamin D levels (total 8 of 10) are considered, it has recommended in cat and dogs with EDS taking into account of vitamin D deficiency as well as some other nutritional deficiencies and giving oral vitamin D supplements with safety as human medicine