- 2018
Dictionary Issue in TerminologyKeywords: S?zlük,Yuva y?ntemi,Terminoloji Abstract: Terminography is the linguistic division of linguistics and its learning rules and laws. The dictionary is a collection of words that are arranged in a certain order, meaning or translation, and shown in the pronunciation. Contemporary dictionaries are usually arranged alphabetically. Beginning the arrangement of the dictionary without the perfect, reasonable compilation principles is a sign of irresponsibility and inexperience. Each word included in the terminography dictionaries must be verified. The designer should be able to explain why any word is included in the dictionary. In this context, the problems related to the glossary of terms are tried to be analyzed in the article. H. Hesenov's, B. Ceferov's, V.?.Dal's, S.Sad?gova's point of views were given in this subject. Several cases, comparisons, analysis and descriptions are made in the article. As a result of our research, it is concluded that the terminology in the terminology dictionaries should be preferred in the most current terms used in the field of science