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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



-  2019 

Revolt Subjectivity in Modern Capitalism: Demolition (2015)

Keywords: Sinema,?znellik,Deleuze,Lazzarato,Demolition

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Guattari states in his text Chaosmosis that the most important production of capitalism is the production of subjectivity. According to him, the production of subjectivity is necessary for both the manageability of capitalism and the continuation of capitalist system. But for Guattari (Lazzarato also continues this thesis) the problem is the production of subjectivity as well as where and how this subjectivity is produced. Subjectivity is no longer produced in institutions such as Family and Religion. In the words of Lazzarato, the subjectivities produced for 'social machines' are now produced with the help of the globalizing world in areas such as consumption, communication, social media and cinema. Every field where visual production is produced that is also the area of subjectivity production. In this context, the mainstream cinema, along with the subjects and subjectivities that own produces, speaks to the consciousness of individuals or (as Lazzarato expresses) even to the 'feeling, vision and ways of thinking of pre-individual components, perception forms etc.' The subjectivity which transferred to the spectator with help of narrative style and the characters created in the films does not always serve capitalist subjectivity; sometimes, this subjectivity is criticized. Although the number of such films is small, these examples have been frequently encountered recently. These films not only depict the situation of the individual in modern capitalism but also try to construct new forms of subjectivity, as Jacques Ranciere points out, by causing a radical metamorphosis, a subjective liberation. In this sense, 'Demolition’ (2015, Director: Jean Marc Vallée) is a film that not only criticizes the subjectivities produced for 'social machines', but also destroys this whole structure and leaves the subject in a void. Demolition will be examined in this context


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