- 2018
Recurrent auricular hematoma: A case reportKeywords: Otohematom,Güre??i Kula??,Enfeksiyon,Künt Travmalar Abstract: Othematoma (wrestler's ear) usually occur as a result of blunt trauma during sports such as wrestling and boxing. The perichondrium is separated from the cartilage by blood accumulation in the subperichondrial space between the pericondrium and cartilage. Because of the auricular cartilage does not have any of vascular structure, deterioration of perichondrial nutrition results in redness, ecchymosis, and painful edema. In case of late treatment, it causes deformities and necrosis in the ear. In this study, an otohematomas case was presented which resulted in recurrent blows on the right ear of a patient who was learned to be a wrestler