- 2018
COMPARISON of LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOUR GEN XERS and GENERATION YKeywords: X Ku?a??, Y Ku?a??, Liderlik Davran??? Abstract: Recently one of the concepts that have effect on management literature is the differentiation in generations. While the popular management magazines emphasize the differentiation of generations; academic journals state that the subject is not proved scientifically and it can be only a fashion concept in management. People who advocate this opinion have expressed primarily the separation into classes based on criteria such as age, and expect them to behave in certain ways is to break the stereotypes of people. This means taking the easy way out for managers. They also noted that many people giving their reaction depends on the age of the person, and the response of a person in the Generation Y may change with age. The movement from this view differs, this study primarily set out in detail the main features of Generation Y, and then it was investigated whether there is a difference between Generation X and Generation Y in terms of leadership behavior. The study was conducted with 173 managers working in the public and private sectors in ?orum. Although the number of people who participated in the survey is not enough to generalize, no differences were detected between Generation X and Generation Y in terms of the leadership behavior in this study. In this respect, it can be stated that the results of the study support the claims of the second grou