- 2018
Performance Evaluation of a Building Exposed to Corrosion from Ground FloorKeywords: Aderans,Betonarme bina,Korozyon,Performans de?erlendirmesi Abstract: Many of the low or medium-story reinforced concrete buildings existing in Turkey have poor structural performance under earthquake loads due to use of low performance concrete, design and construction errors. Rebar corrosion adversely affects structural performance of all structural members and the entire structural system in reinforced concrete buildings. This paper presents structural performance changes on a selected building affected rebar corrosion that cause important changes in concrete, reinforcement steel properties and bond loss. A typical five-story reinforced concrete building is designed to apply different rebar corrosion scenarios at ground floor. Structural performance evaluation of the building with different corrosion scenarios are performed according to EC-8. The software Seismostruct 2016 is used for pushover analysis. The results show that structural performance of the building is negatively affected from high level and long term rebar corrosion aspect. Significant changes in performance levels and in target displacements of the building are observed as compared with the results of the uncorroded state of the building