- 2018
EVALUAT?ON OF CONS?STENCY ?N CATALOG?NG INFORMATION SOURCES IN AH? EVRAN UNIVERSITY LIBRARIESKeywords: Kütüphanecilik,Teknik Hizmetler,Kataloglama,Kataloglamada Tutarl?l?k Abstract: In this study, the consistency of the information sources in the Central Library of Ahi Evran University in the cataloging process is evaluated. Within the scope of the study, the catalog catalogs were examined by selecting the randomly determined information sources from the shelf by examining the online catalog of the library. The basic introduction, title and responsibility statement, publication and publication, distribution, etc., ISBN, physical characterization, sequence and additional entry areas monitored in AAK2 were evaluated in the light of MARC standards. The findings show that; there are some errors in the access ends