- 2018
Exotic HadronsKeywords: Egzotik par?ac?k,gluontopu,hibritler,tetrakuark,pentakuark,hegzakuark,molekül yap?lar Abstract: In recent years, in the high energy physics experiments, new particles have been detected except for known particle structures in the Standard Model framework. These developments are also very important in terms of physics beyond the Standard Model. It is thought that particles in this different structure, which is called exotic particle due to internal structure, will give a different direction to both experimental and theoretical studies. These particles can give clues on the asymmetry of matter-antimatter, the formation of the universe, the dark matter, the dark energy, the inner structure of neutron stars, and so forth. Moreover, the discovery of these particles has widely increased the interest in hadron spectroscopy in recent years. In this work, information on the basic properties of exotic particles, such as mass, quantum numbers, and decay widths, which are detected until now, will be presented