- 2019
The Books Reading in ?stanbul Madrasahs in the XVII CenturyKeywords: Medreseler,talebeler,e?itim,kitaplar Abstract: This study aims to examine the textbooks which the students would read during the course of their education in the madrasas in ?stanbul during the seventeenth century through the probate records (tereke). As it is known, miscellaneous books have been mentioned in the resources related to the textbooks which were read in the Ottoman Madrasas and they are all theoretically accepted to have been taught in the madrasas. However, if all of them were read in the madrasas, could it be reflected on the book collections of the students? In order to reveal this, the court registers and the probate records have been examined. After going through the registers of the Istanbul courts, especially the K?smet-i Askeriye Tribunal, the 14 probate records of the madrasa students dated to the years of 1089-1110 (1678-1698) have been determined and evaluated. These records allow us to learn the hometowns, heirs and fortunes of the students who passed away and the madrasas where they studied. It is also possible to learn the books which the students left in the madrasas when they died, the prices of the books, the military and administrative classes they belonged to and the commercial relations if any