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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



-  2018 

Identifying of hydroclimatological dynamics in Marmara Sea Basin

Keywords: Marmara Denizi Havzas?,Hidroloklimatoloji,Ya???-Ak?? ili?kileri,Su Y?netimi,Su dengesi

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In this study, the relationship among rainfall, runoff, evaporation, runoff coefficient and water balance were investigated and patterns of those were discussed. 14 evaporation stations and 34 precipitation from MGM and 77 stream gauging stations (AGI) from DS? were used. First of all, the drainage basins of each AGI stations were extracted. The stations which are under the dam did not consider in the analyses so as not to break the homogeneity of the data and to avoid human influence. Afterwards, rainfall and evaporations stations were transformed into spatial data from points via Thiessen polygon method. Accordingly spatial distributed values of rainfall, runoff and evaporation were obtained and runoff coefficient and water balance were calculated and maps were drawn based on those values. The relationship was investigated based on topography and obtained dataset by using Swath profile and found significant relation between topography and evaporation. Statistically significant and linear relationships between rainfall and runoff were obtained when all the stations were examined in the Marmara Sea basin. Statistically significant negative linear relationships among runoff, evaporation and runoff coefficient and water balance attract the attention when the correlation matrix and scatter diagram are examined. However, water balance in the basin gives negative values, which is relatively high in the Biga peninsula. In this context, it seems that the most powerful controller in the formation of the hydroclimatolocigal dynamics of the basin is evaporation


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