- 2018
THE USE OF UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES IN DISASTER MANAGEMENTKeywords: ?HA,Afet Y?netimi,Ortofoto Abstract: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are now widely used in many different areas from defence to entertainment. For photogrammetric purposes, the collecting of data in small areas is increasing. The ability of the UAV to collect data quickly and easily increases its potential for use in disasters and emergencies. In the impact analysis to carry out the search and the rescue activities after the disaster, ground referenced data of areas affected by the disaster are needed. Satellite images are used for this purpose. However, it is not always possible to have an available image. With UAVs, images can be obtained for analysis after a disaster. In this study, the products obtained with UAVs were compared. For this purpose, the correctness of the products obtained with the help of the images obtained from the UAV and the usability in disaster management are determined in the test area on the ANS campus of Afyon Kocatepe University