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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Critical Evaluation of Melaleuca alternifolia : A Review of the Phytochemical Profile, Pharmacological Attributes and Medicinal Properties in the Botanical, Human and Global Perspectives

DOI: 10.4236/ojmc.2021.111001, PP. 1-15

Keywords: Melaleuca alternifolia, Terpenes, Terpenoids, Phytotoxicity, Pharmacokinetics, Melaleuca OR Tea Tree Oil, Phytochemistry, Bioactivity

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Melaleuca (tea tree) oil has become increasingly commonly used in recent decades. The essential oil in Australia for the past 120 years is now available globally as an active component in various products. Historically, Melaleuca oil is known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory actions. Currently, microwave technology is applied to extract Melaleuca oil, but this extraction technology is not commercially under practice. Traditionally, Melaleuca oil extraction is possible through steam distillation of the Melaleuca alternifolia terminal branches and leaves, and the resultant extract is always either clear or pale yellowish. Melaleuca oil has been promoted as a therapeutic agent because scientific studies indicate that the Rideal-Walker (RW) coefficients of its extract composition include 8 for cymene, 16 for terpineol, 13.5 for tepinen-4-ol and 3.5 for cineole. The mode of action against bacteria is now partially elucidated, and assumptions exist. Hydrocarbons partition into biological membranes to disrupt the vital functions of Melaleuca oil, and also its components behave in the same manner. Therefore, the inhibition of respiration and the leakage of ions or loss of intracellular material and the inability to maintain homeostasis reflect the loss of membrane integrity and lysis in Melaleuca oil products containing lower than usual terpenes concentrations. Melaleuca oil possesses antifungal properties and is known exclusively for the treatment of Candida albicans. This essential oil strongly changes the permeability of Candida albican cells. C. albicans treatment with 0.25% tea tree oil leads to propidium iodide uptake. However, a significant loss of 260-nmlight-absorbing materials after staining with methylene blue occurs after 6 hours. Melaleuca


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