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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Excavation of the Internet of Things in Urban Areas Based on an Intelligent Transportation Management System

DOI: 10.4236/ait.2021.113008, PP. 113-122

Keywords: Internet of Things (IoT), Intelligent Traffic, Traffic Congestion, Traffic Management

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Transportation, as one of the most common aspects people use in their daily lives, has resulted in highly complex traffic in urban areas due to the large number of private vehicles. As some results of the traffic congestion, there is energy consumption, environmental pollution, unplanned accidents, and time is wasted due to congestion and traffic jams. With the aid of the Internet of Things (IoT), which is an excellent computerized technology solution for all field claims, Internet of Things (IoT) technology has recently provided an efficient and effective traffic management system, especially in transportation, due to the combined functions IoT can handle, there are management, monitoring, tracking, identifying, computing, and so on. This article provided a comprehensive overview of a variety of intelligent management systems that have been built using IoT to alleviate traffic congestion.


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