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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




About the Nature of the Quantum System—An Examination of the Random Discontinuous Motion Interpretation of the Quantum Mechanics

DOI: 10.4236/jqis.2021.113008, PP. 99-111

Keywords: Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Particle, Ontology, Self-Interaction, Instantaneous Condition

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What is the quantum system? Consider the wave-function of the electron—what we call “single particle wave-function”—and assume that it contains N wave-packets. If we pass all the wave-packets through an electric field, all are deflected, as if each one of them contains an electron. However, if we bring any two wave-packets to travel close to one another, they don’t repel one another, as if at least one of them contains no charge. In trying to solve the measurement problem of the quantum mechanics (QM), different interpretations were proposed, each one coming with a particular ontology. However, only one interpretation paid explicit attention to the contradiction mentioned above. This interpretation was proposed by S. Gao who named it “random discontinuous motion” (RDM), because it assumes the existence of a particle that jumps from place to place at random. The particle carries all the physical properties of the respective type of particle, mass, charge, magnetic momentum, etc. It jumps under the control of an “instantaneous condition” about which Gao did not give details so far. Along with presenting problems of the QM that this interpretation solves, this text reveals difficulties vis-à-vis entanglements and the special relativity.


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