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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Multi-Fibre Arrangement and Textile Trade

DOI: 10.12677/BGlo.2021.93008, PP. 53-63

Keywords: 多种纤维协议,自愿性出口限制,防卫措施,纺织品和成衣协议
Multi-Fibre Arrangement
, Voluntary Export Restraints, Safeguard Measures, The Agreement on Textiles and Clothing

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Under the auspices of GATT, the Multi-Fibre Arrangement (MFA) was signatory in 1974. The original intention was to establish a temporary measure. After four exhibitions, 54 textile import and export countries participated, which had a significant impact on international textile trade. A major agreement reached in the Uruguay Round is to require member states to convert their quantitative restrictions and VERs into standard tariffs. Although the progress of the abolition of MFA has been slow, they finally agreed to abolish MFA within 10 years. Since the World Trade Organization was established in 1995, the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) has replaced MFA. The “safe-guard measures” of the Uruguay Round aimed to prohibit most VERs arrangements. This article details the need for European and American countries to phase out MFA quotas during that decade, as well as policy divergences between developing countries and developed countries. From its appearance on the world trade stage to its ending, MFA has caused political disputes in the trade of various countries, but during the MFA exhibition, it has indeed brought the quality upgrading effect in production of textile exporting countries. After the abolition of MFA, it also brought the quality downgrading effect in consumption of textile importing countries. This is an important research finding of this article, and it is also the intellectual heritage of this economic history that we must remember.


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