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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Spatial and Temporal Variation of the Hydrological Parameters in the Wouri-Nkam Section of the Cameroon Estuary, Central African Atlantic Coast

DOI: 10.4236/ojms.2021.114009, PP. 129-156

Keywords: Hydrological Parameters, Water Quality, Lunar/Diurnal Tidal Regime, Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and Wouri-Nkam River

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This study aimed to provide relevant knowledge about the dynamics of the hydrological parameters in the river-estuary continuum of the Wouri-Nkam river estuary for a sustainable management program. The hydrological parameters were recorded in eleven stations spanned out on the basis?of population density and human activities. Water quality parameters (Temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, Total dissolved solutes, Redox potential and conductivity) were collected in subsurface water using a multiple parameter. Surface currents and morphometric (depth and width) parameters were recorded using a drifter, sonar depth and GPS. The field measurements took placed between 18/05/2019 to 08/09/2020 and were divided into six (06) cruises. The data were later subjected to an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Principle Component Analysis using XLSTAT 2017 (2.7 version) software. Results obtained revealed that, the water quality parameters were spatially more stable notsignficant at (df = 9, p < 0.05) with a relatively low temperature (25.5°C - 27°C) during the wet period. The limit of the frontal zone extended to S5 (Bonalokan, 8.25 km from S1) during the snapshot of the dry period, spring phase and flood tide conditions. Inversely, during wet period, this extension reduced to S1 (Bridge) and relatively increases slightly to S3 (Bonangang) during the neap phase and ebb tides of this season. This result revealed a change in the axial gradient of about eight (08) and four (04) kilometers during the seasonal and tidal scales (lunar and diurnal periods) respectively. These changes were also accompanied by changes in the water quality signatures, that may affect the fishery distribution and compositions.


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